Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How the Youth Get So

So everytime something happens among the young people of this country we hear the talk being circulated 'how de  youth get so?' Everybody gets to buzzing, everybody has an opinion. Apparently this generation of young people cannot be saved and there is no hope for our future. I've always thought that children DO NOT socialize themselves.  It's not like if we took everyone let's say 35 and under out of the country that all the ''social ills'' would disappear. Indeed NOT.  Are the 'adults' in society setting examples for young people to follow? Are parents teaching and guiding their children?

I've been to parties where a two year old cusses an adult and everybody laughs (some nervously) no one corrects the child.  Or mummy takes her  5 year old to the supermarket and he wants a snack so he rolls on the ground and throws a tantrum (and mummy buys the snack). So usually it goes like this...mummy Can I have...Can I go....Can I do...? and mummy says Yes! Yes! Yes!Do parents ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, that little word NO  would come in useful.

Children seem to have everything nowadays. Laptops, cell phones, Ipods, play stations and the list goes on.  Some children have almost every single gadget there is out there (for kids). In addition to that, mummy does the laundry tidies the room, cooks the food etc What does the child do? How do we teach them responsibility if they get everything (at great cost to mum and dad) and everything is done for them; or that sometimes it's good to do without or to maybe work to achieve something.

Then we have the Do as I say but not as I do mentality. In other words,  I can have lots of boyfriends but you can't ORI can cuss but you can't OR I can party hard and drink till I get drunk, but you can't? Are parents serious? Don't we realise that our children learn from us. They are like sponges soaking up every little thing in site. Or rather, they are like mirrors and sometimes (unless they break the cycle) our lives are reflected in them. 

So on how de youth get so...Today I was waiting on a minibus and decided to wait in the market, in the cool and out of the hot sun. I was standing  near an old lady's tray when about 15minutes after I heard her mutter "next time I going to buy a can of fly spray and when people stand up in front my tray I going to spray all 'round it" I thought I was hearing things but then she said it again. I couldn't believe she wanted me to move but was telling me to move in a rather roundabout way. So I said to her that if she wanted to me to move all she had to do was ask...who tell me say so... the old lady proceeded to tell me that I could go and pick up my clothes from in de bush where I left them (ehem) and all about me and wuh I does do (or don't do) and that me and she aint no company and that I only have a pretty face but no COMMON SENSE...this last part with great emphasis...and on and on she went.

And we wonder how de youth get so...

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