Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Goose and the Gander

Now it really boggles the mind why peope feel the need to get into public transportation and play music on their cellphones, watch videos on their personal DVD players and have the sound AT FULL BLAST. After spending all that money on their fancy ipod or blackberry or whatever, do you mean to tell me you can't afford a pair of $5 headphones?!?!?! There are those who would say if I don't' like it buy a car? Well I don't have a car and I take the government bus (which my taxes help to subsidize) and am therefore well within my rights to (a)complain (b)speak out (c)voice my opinion (d)tell dem turn it off or (d)all of the above. Considering that there is a sign in the bus that says, NO LOUD MUSIC and NO RADIOS ALLOWED.

So the other day I decided to try a little experiment. In my own little corner, in that government bus, (which my taxes help to subsidize) I started to sing a song (Jesus is my deliverer) loud enough that those next to me, in front of me and behind me could hear. Boy, who tell me do that! People give me stares, turn around and look at me funny and mutter to themselves, until some brave soul decided to suggest that I could a)sing a little softer or b)not sing at all.  Now, who tell them do that! I oh so politely pointed out, that if they could sit down and listen to the music the other guy a couple rows down was playing AT FULL BLAST (filled with all it's profanity) then they could very well listen to me singing (not loud enough) about my Saviour. That did the trick, the driver (who had heard everything INCLUDING the profanity) decided to put a stop to it after all, what's good for the goose must be good for the gander.

Moral of this story...Jesus is my deliver, I know He delivered me!!!!!!!


  1. Girl you need to move to Jamaica with that, you would fit right in; They all preach, sign, heal, pray you name it on the bus here girl.

  2. Gina, this is Fatima ur girl from camp. love your blog.

  3. Very good Gina. I agree with you. If you dont stand up for anything you would fall everything. Mark
