Saturday, July 24, 2010

Did you Know!

This year the Salvation Army celebrates 145 years of service worldwide and I thought I'd just give you a little bit of information, in case you didn't know about the Army and what it does.

The Salvation Army is a CHURCH! Yes it is. Most people think of the Salvation Army as just a social organization that gives food to the hungry, clothes to the needy, homes to the homeless etc. The Salvation Army was started in 1865 by William Booth in London, England and has existed in Barbados for 112 years.

Did you know that the Salvation Army operates in over 110 countries, including, Sierra Leoone, United Arab Emirates and Pakistan?!

Salvationists refer to their church i.e the building as a Corps. It is basically the place where members of the Salvation Army in a particular district, fellowship, preach the gospel and provide services to the community.

Did you know that there are 11 Salvation Army churches in Barbados. They can be found at Josey Hill and Checker Hall in St. Lucy, Speightstown and Diamond Corner (St. Peter), Seaview and Carlton (St. James) Reed Street and Wellington Street (St. Michael), Wotton (Christ Church) and Long Bay and Four Roads (St. Phillip)

The Salvation Army, unlike other churches wears a uniform. The wearing of the uniform is not to be taken lightly. It basically is a witness as belonging to the body of Christ and also "as a signal of availability to others".

One thing that the Salvation Army worldwide is recognised for is its Brass Bands. Brass banding and music camp are Salvation Army trademarks.  Some of the best brass players from Barbados to Timbuktu have their roots in the Salvation Army.   

Did you know that the Salvation Army recently held it's 4th World Youth Convention in Stockholm Sweden. Young people  from 92 countries came together (under the them "Raised up"), in a time of learning, holiness and fellowship. This event was streamed live and persons from 119 countries dropped in at different times to view the WYC .

The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church.

Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.

Joy,Joy, Joy, there is Joy in the Salvation Army
Joy, Joy, Joy, in the Army of the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. yuh mek me feel like tekin out meh army-waving flag and wave like de queen passin by!! lolol
