Thursday, June 17, 2010

Stand up For Your Rights...Don't Give up the Fight!

Can't live with them, can't live without them; or at least that's what they say.  As I approach the big 4-0, I've been getting lots of questions. "Yuh married yet?" NO..."A pretty girl like you must have a boyfriend" No again..."So you got children?" No again. What usually follows is the WHY NOT? Why not indeed. I really don't know. Most people I know just can't seem to understand the concept of not having a man/significant other/husband! Well it's not like I planned it that way. OF COURSE I want a husband. I have had boyfriends, after all who doesn't like to be ''fawned'' over and I love lots of attention :)  However, I've been single (I'm not in relationship with a man) for the last few years (seems like forever), not by choice mind you, that's just the way it is and ever so often I get into the ''I'm tired being single" mood. I've come to realise though that the plan is not mine but God's.  I belive that He knows what's best for me. I also believe that he knows I'm such a loving person that to have a husband and a family of my own would be great :). I also have no intention of going from man to man, to man to man, until I find ''THE ONE".  I'm living life, loving me and trusting God to provide.

So not having a man and not being a clique person also means that occasionally I'll go to the movies, ALONE!! Actually, I go to the movies alone most of the time and I've been called a looser because of it.  I'm glad tha I have my own identity. That I don't need a man, or friends, to define who I will am.  I can buy a ticket to any show without first having to find out who's going. Of course I'm not adverse to going places with my friends, occasionally I do. However, if the opportunity presents itself for me to go somewhere I probably will go without ''confirmation" from others.  I'm not a loner but I love my own company.

What I have realised in my short lifetime is that if you aren't a very strong individual, people will want to mold you into the way they think is best. I'm quite content with God doing the molding. I'm not saying that you can't learn from others or that if you have a bad habit you've go to keep it forever. What I'm saying is, you should be comfortable enough in your own skin, with your own convictions. That you can, as Bob says, "stand up for your rights''. Stand up for what you believe. If you are the only 1 out of 100 saying go right and everyone else says to go left, as long as you believe that right is the direction God wants you to go in, by all means go right.  True, you may have to take some heat when you go right however, God will always make a way where there seems to be none. 

Enough of my prattling.

Moral of the story...they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength!

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