Thursday, April 1, 2010

Feeling Hot Hot Hot!

I feeling hot, you feeling hot, we feeling hot, hot, hot. The sun has been coming out every day in Barbados since last year's rainy season. In other words, 'nuh rain ain't falling'. I really, really need some rain now. I'm so tired of the heat just about now. Not humidity by the way, scorching hot sun. Everyday. all the time. Everytime I see a little cloud I say ahh ... and then the rain does NOT fall. Things are soo bad the Water Authority is telling us not to water ornamental plants. Some people obviously don't care because they are still wetting the lawn grass and the shrubs. Now I won't mind if they were growing food but dont't tell me you are going to use SCARCE water to wet plants that are only going to look pretty. Bajans are really too much. Now if you live in Barbados and if you're from St. Andrew like I am, then you know that country people water is the first to get turn off.  Not the ones in the town. When the Water Authority decides to implement stage two of their ''save the water" plan, the first taps to be dry will be those in...yes you guessed, the country. Those that live in places like BOSCOBELLE way in the country.

So a couple weeks ago I'm in Boscobelle visiting a cousin and  I realise that while my garden at home is brown, brown, brown, the gardens in Boscobelle green, green, green and pretty, pretty. So I took a walk in the neighbourhood only to realise that people are watering their ornamental plants. Yes the very thing that the Water Authority says not to do Boscobelle people are doing quite comfortably. Well let them continue. It's their water that will get shut off first.  

I remember in the 2008 rainy season we had so much rain that I had to wear my sneakers to work almost everyday and every evening I was praying that the rain waited until I got into the bus terminal before it came down.  This did not happen last year. It seems like Barbados has been dry for ages. I'm praying that some rain will come because this water shortage thing ain't no joke. The thing, is when the Water Authoirty decides that things really bad and start shutting off the water, more than likely they will turn it off in the country areas. Those areas where they figure no one of ''importance'' lives just the plebs. Yup, like those people in Boscobelle who continue to waste the precious water.

Since water is so scare we need to find ways to minimize our usage.
  1. If you must wet the garden, try catching that water you run while you're waiting on the hot water to come through.
  2. but a bottle/ball or some other device in the toilet tank. You can usually flush the toilet on less water than you do now. 
  3. If you're installign a new toilet purchase one where you can control the flush i.e you hold the button down to flush and it stops as soon as you let it go, so you only use what is absolutely necessary to flush.
  4. Make sure your pipes aren't leaking. If you have a drip and you can't get it fixed right away, catch that water until you do. Use it to flush the toilet or wet the garden.
This is just  a small little island. What we need now is a good week of rain rain rain and more rain. Yes people will change their cry. Instead of it being too hot and too dry you'll soon here 'de rain ain't wanna stop'. However, I still say SEND DOWN THE RAIN!!

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